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First we start with your standard concrete slab that has an existing concrete saw cut. Beneath the cut you will see a forced crack formed, designed to allow movement to come through the slab. After mechanically prepping the MT base coat is installed with broadcasting laid overtop for texture. Once cure time is observed, the basecoat is sawed down to the existing slab and our indue flexible joint filler is installed. After shaving the joint flush our UTC is installed and rolled over top as a lockcoat.

Allows Movement
Prevents Cracking
Most Commonly Used in Warehouses
A control joint is put in by the concrete company to allow expansion and contraction. This allows movement to come up through the concrete and reduces overall cracking.
Control Joint

A structural crack is a single crack that normally zig zags with no other cracking off of the main crack.
Structural Crack

Random Cracking, otherwise known as Spider Cracking, typically is a worse form of a structural crack and has multiple cracks jogging off the existing structural crack.
Random Crack

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